Landing a Job in Real Estate

My 6-Step Process to Burst Into Commercial Real Estate

In todays download, I am going to show you a strategy to land a role in commercial real estate.

To start taking control of a traditionally uncertain process.

Trust me when I say this: the strategy you take determines your level of success in landing a job in commercial real estate.

The more deliberate your strategy is, the more likely you are to successfully land a big time role.

Unfortunately, 90%+ people who go through this process have no strategy.

This downfall leads to a lot of poor results.

So, lets make you a part of the 10%:

My proven 6-step process to burst into commercial real estate

1. Network, Network, Network

Real estate companies do not have a hiring cycle

They hire when they need someone

That means you need to develop relationships with people now, not when a job comes open

But how do I start?

Start with your school alumni (your warmest leads)

Ask for a 15-20 minute call with anyone you can get on the phone

Do your research before/after the call

  • Know their real estate portfolio

  • Know their career history

  • Ask thoughtful questions

  • Take detailed notes of your conversation (this will come in handy down the road)

  • Send an email afterwards

  • Follow up in a month

2. Provide value to your new network

After a few of these calls, you will begin to meet people who can solve other people’s problems

Put them in contact

Congrats, you’ve become a valuable resource!

3. Touch up your real estate starter skill set with these resources:

Being able to speak "the lingo" is an important step to landing a role

Consume a lot of content to familiarize yourself with words and concepts

Here are a few resources I recommend:

4. Ace The Interview

•Dress sharp, hair cut, matching shoes + belt, etc.

•Be on time

•Be prepared (intimately understand the role you are interviewing for)

•Be confident (firm handshake, eye contact, etc.)

5. Follow Up

  1. Send an email expressing interest in the position

  2. Attach a sample work product (do the job before being asked)

Here's what I would do...

Create a rent overview of competing properties

Go onto or any other site that has rent info of competing properties

Take the info and input it into your Excel document

Analyze the conclusions, summarize it, and attach it to your email

Boom, you've just rocketed to the top of the list

6. Be Persistent

Remember, each interview is an opportunity to get better.

Trust me, you will get better with each one.

It will take time and effort before you see results.

Embrace the process, and keep in touch with everyone you speak with.

Bonus: Book List

Thanks for joining me this week,


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